The Caritas Charity Run 2021 to commemorate Caritas Macau’s 70th anniversary was originally scheduled on 17th October this year, but due to the pandemic, it has been postponed to 14th November with a novel format
Day: November 30, 2021
Coro Perosi about to celebrate 25th Anniversary
Coro Perosi held a concert on 7th November at the St Dominic’s Church. In view of the epidemic, all the members underwent the nucleic acid test before the performance and the audience was seated according to the epidemic prevention guidelines. With strict compliance to the relevant regulations, the chorus shared an enchanting choral feast with the audience.
“Everyday, I speak with Him”
He said he prays for his family, children, wife, parents, for happiness and a good family life. “But I can say the reality is I never go to the church to speak with Him about football. Never!”
45 Years of Service comes to an end
According to the Diocese of Macau Chancery Notice (CN/14/018/2021) of 14 July, the Centro Pastoral Católico of the Red Market will cease its operation by 26th November. At the end of almost half a century of mission, the Centro Pastoral Católico held a gathering last Sunday (November 28) to bring together again friends who have participated in various activities of the Center of different generations.
“Diocesan Youth Day” co-organized by Preparatory Diocesan Commission Comissão for the Year of the Youth and the Diocesan Youth Commission
The Diocesan Youth Commission and Comissão Diocesana Preparatória do Ano da Juventude held the “Macau Diocesan Youth Day” in Colégio Diocesano de São José 2 on 27th November. The topic was “Stand up. I appoint you as a witness of what you have seen!” Bishop Lee Bun-Sang, other priests and 70 young people joined the activity.