Sublimating the Drive for Power

This Sunday’s Gospel explores the human desire for power. Jesus teaches His disciples—and us—that true greatness comes not from authority or dominance, but from service and sacrificial love. We are called to sublimate our natural drives for power, pleasure, and possessions for nobler purposes. Jesus exemplifies this through His life, urging us to transform authority into humble service.


Virtue is the key to true happiness and flourishing. Rooted in freedom and love, virtues shape our actions, attitudes, and character. Drawing from philosophy and theology, Fausto Gomez OP emphasizes that virtue is not just taught but cultivated through consistent good actions. Whether acquired by habit or infused by grace, virtues like justice, love, and prudence enable individuals to live meaningful lives in communion with others and God.

The Catholic Church in Laos: Faith Flourishing Amid Challenges

The Catholic Church in Laos, though small in number, demonstrates remarkable missionary zeal. With local vocations at the forefront, priests, Franciscans, and catechists are actively involved in pastoral care and social outreach. Amid political challenges and regional crises, the Church continues to foster faith, build essential infrastructure, and nurture the next generation through education and community development.

CHURCH FATHERS (49) Columban: Irishman and ‘first European’

Saint Columban, an Irish monk and missionary, is known as the “first European” for his vision of cultural unity across Europe. Born around 543, he founded monasteries, revived faith in the post-pagan Continent, and introduced private Confession. His monastic rule and missionary work left an enduring spiritual and cultural legacy that shaped European Christianity.


The Holy Rosary, promoted by St. Dominic and cherished by saints throughout history, is more than a vocal prayer—it’s a contemplative journey to encounter Christ through Mary. As we meditate on its mysteries, we draw closer to Jesus, learning His teachings and deepening our faith. October, the month of the Rosary, invites us to rediscover this prayer as a “ladder” to holiness and peace, especially in today’s troubled world.

The Fatima Apparitions Guide Us to the Power of the Rosary

The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima call us to embrace the power of the Holy Rosary. Through her messages to three shepherd children in 1917, Mary invited the world to pray the Rosary daily for peace, conversion, and hope amidst turmoil. In Macau, the faithful honor this message with processions and reflection, especially during the Feast Day on October 13.


In Mark 10:17-30, Jesus responds to a wealthy man’s question about inheriting eternal life by inviting him to sell his possessions and follow Him. The young man’s struggle reveals that the real challenge lies not in wealth itself, but in trusting God over material security. This gospel invites us to reflect on what we rely on—our riches or God’s providence—and challenges us to embrace a spirit of detachment and generosity in order to inherit the Kingdom of God.

CHURCH FATHERS (48) Gregory the Great: “servant of the servants of God”

St. Gregory the Great, Pope from 590 to 604, was a remarkable leader who saw himself as the “servant of the servants of God.” With strong administrative skills, deep spiritual wisdom, and a heart for evangelization, Gregory helped shape the Church in turbulent times. His works like the Regula Pastoralis and Moralia in Iob reveal his vision of Christian humility and moral leadership. He believed holiness was always possible, even in the most difficult times.