7th EDITION OF THE ‘ASIAN MISSION’ IN THE PHILIPPINES – Prepared for the Mission, Prepared for Peace

The seventh edition of the ‘Asian Mission’ initiative, which this year had as its motto “prepared for the mission; prepared for peace” was comemorated last February. This Catholic event brought together 50 participants, including eight young people from Japan, five from South Korea (more specifically from the diocese of Daejon), and the rest from the Philippine parishes of Nampicuan, San Fabian and Malasiqui, with 30 of these young people being part of the group ‘Servants Missionary Youth’.

ARCHDIOCESES OF JAKARTA AND MAUMERE – Jubiliary Initiatives in the Indonesian Archipelago

The Holy Year celebrations of the Archdiocese of Jakarta coincide with the launching of the “Kabar Baik” (“Good News”) initiative. The newly created Catholic platform is dedicated to evangelization and the dissemination of religious content in the Bahasa language. The “Kabar Baik” platform aims in particular to inspire Catholic journalists to make the main messages of Pope Francis’ magisterium accessible and disseminated to a wider audience.

VICARIATE OF SOUTH ARABIA – A Church of Migrants and Dialogue

The Church in the Vicariate of South Arabia is basically a ‘Church of migrants’ whose members share a common experience: this unpleasant feeling that something fundamental is missing in their daily lives, be it their homeland or the presence of loved ones. However, this seemingly negative perception must be seen first and foremost as an opportunity to open ourselves to one another and, at the same time, to bring to light the source and dynamism of Christian hope, “a hope that does not disappoint us because it is rooted in the love of Christ, an irrevocable love, a love that lasts forever”, as the Franciscan Capuchin Bishop Paolo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of South Arabia, writes in a pastoral letter addressed to the Catholic communities of the Vicariate of Southern Arabia – Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates.

JUBILEE YEAR FOR INDIA’S UNDERPRIVILEGED – Recognition of their Human Dignity

For the untouchable caste of southern India, known as Dalits, this Jubilee Year represents renewed hope in the recognition of their human dignity and another attempt to break the spiral of discrimination and exclusion to which they are usually subjected. Perhaps during this Jubilee period, they could try to counter the caste mentality embedded in Indian culture and seize the opportunities that may arise within society and the Church, on an equal footing with other citizens. At least, this is the opinion of Franciscan priest Fr. Nithya Sagayam OFM Cap, secretary of the Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCST) of the Catholic Bishops’ Council of Tamil Nadu.

Singing is a form of prayer

In the face of grief and the turmoil of war, Lea Akoury turned tragedy into a mission of unity and hope. Following the loss of her husband in an anti-terrorist operation, Lea founded a choir that brings together Lebanese orphans of fallen soldiers, transcending religious boundaries. Through music, these children heal, honor their fathers, and share a powerful message of peace and resilience with the world. As they prepare to perform in Italy, Lea reminds us that even in dark times, singing can be a prayer—a call for harmony and hope.

The difficult management of a health center

In the heart of a conflict-ridden neighborhood in Lebanon, the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd courageously manage the Saint Antoine Health Center, a lifeline for those suffering amid the chaos. Despite a collapsing healthcare system, shortages of medicine, and the constant threat of violence, Sister Hanane Youssef and her companions embody resilience and compassion. Their mission transcends divisions, offering medical care, refuge, and hope to Shiites, displaced families, and anyone in need, rooted in the belief that “a better day will come.”

The Power of the Rosary: Praying Together, Bringing People Together

Fr. Lawrence Lew, O.P., the General Promoter of the Rosary for the Dominican Order, will visit Macau from December 19–22. Known for his passion for the Rosary as a tool of personal devotion and community prayer, Fr. Lew will conduct sessions across English-speaking communities in Macau. With a background in theology, sacred art, and a deep love for Marian devotion, he has inspired a global resurgence in praying the Rosary, emphasizing its relevance in modern times.

“Rereading the history of the two countries through the eyes of Faith”

The 26th Korean-Japan Episcopal Meeting, held in Seoul from November 11-14, celebrated nearly three decades of synodal unity. Bishops from both nations gathered for dialogue, prayer, and reflection on their shared faith, history, and future. The event emphasized reconciliation, fraternal unity, and hope, especially as they look forward to hosting World Youth Day 2027 in Korea.