(本報訊)2015年12月,聖若瑟大學正式被接納為國際天主教大學聯盟 (IFCU) 會員,成為中國在該聯盟的唯一會員。
USJ Joint IFCU in December 2015
As of December 2015, the University of Saint Joseph has been accepted as a member of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), becoming the first and only member in China.
The mission of the Federation is to contribute to the building of a more just and humane world, through science, reason and a persistent dialogue between cultures and religions. And it enjoys consultative status with international organizations including the United Nations in New York, the Commission of Human Rights in Geneva, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna.
Currently, the IFCU has approximately 220 members around the world including the Catholic University of Portugal, Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, Leeds Trinity University and Saint Mary’s University in the UK, Boston College and Loyola University of Chicago. Being accepted as a member of the federation is an added challenge for USJ to become a world-class Catholic University.