Christine Gospel reading Mark the Evangelist 8: 27-35
At that time, Jesus and his disciples got up and went to the nearby village Cesarea of Philip. On the way, Jesus asked his disciples: “? Who do people say I am.”
They replied: “John the Baptist; some people say, Elijah; still others say, is one of the prophets.”
Jesus asked them: “? Who do you say I do.”
Peter replied: “You are the Christ.” Jesus prohibited them not to talk about him to anyone.
Jesus then began to teach his disciples: the Son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and scribes, and be killed; but three days later, must rise.
Frankly speaking the words of Jesus. Peter would pull him aside and began to admonish his responsibility. Jesus turned, and watching his disciples, Zechi Peter said: “! Satan, behind me, because you have experience, not the things of God, but the people do.”
Jesus then called the people and his disciples and said to them: “Whoever is willing to follow me, that renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me, because, if who wants to save his life, will lose their lives; but who, if for me and for the gospel exigencies, lose their lives, will certainly save lives too. ”
– The word of the Lord.