The Image of God Engraved on You

If the coin had to be “returned” to Caesar because on it was stamped the face of his master, the human person must be “returned” to God. The human person is the only creature on whom the face of God is imprinted. They are sacred and no one can take them as their own. Those who make them their own (enslave, oppress, exploit, dominate, use them as objects…) should immediately return them to their Lord.

Invited to dance with God

The wedding feast is the biblical image of the encounter of love between the Lord and Israel. In the parable, the bridegroom—the son—is Jesus, and the bride is the whole of humanity. The banquet is the happiness of the Messianic era. Whoever accepts the proposal of the gospel and enters the kingdom of God experiences the most authentic and deepest joy.

CHURCH FATHERS (1): We need someone to explain the Sacred Writings

O Clarim commences a new series titled ‘Church Fathers’ by Rev. José Mario O. Mandía. In this series, we shall explore that “living transmission of the word of God” so that, as Saint Paul says, “you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.