More than the money: Elderly now convinced about Covid-19 jabs, says Caritas

Caritas Macau was one of eight associations and organizations recruited by the government to help with the vaccination drive aimed at senior citizens. To boost vaccination rates, the Macau Foundation grants a 250 pataca voucher to residents over 65 who have already received two shots of the Covid-19 jab. The Secretary General of Caritas claims that money is not, however, the reason why an increasing number of elderly are choosing to get vaccinated.

USJ’s new digital platform ‘Portuguese in Sight’ may be game changer for second language students

The University of Saint Joseph will launch on Monday its first digital platform aimed at Portuguese language learners. Christened Português à Vista, or Portuguese in Sight, it aspires to be a valuable resource for students studying Portuguese as a second language. Made in Macau and for Macau, the platform does not dismiss the importance of the Portuguese-speaking world.

BITE-SIZE THEOLOGY (178): Which elements of an action should we examine in order to judge its morality?

St John Paul II singles out St Paul VI’s teachings on the intrinsic evil of contraceptive practices: “‘Though it is true that sometimes it is lawful to tolerate a lesser moral evil in order to avoid a greater evil or in order to promote a greater good, it is never lawful, even for the gravest reasons, to do evil that good may come of it…”