At Taipa parish, drawing contest seeks to teach the young that Jesus’ birth is the true reason for Christmas

The parish of Our Lady of Carmel has organized a drawing contest as a way to teach the younger generations the true meaning of Christmas. Under the motto “We Celebrate the Coming of the Lord with Peace and Love”, children of catechetical age who attend Sunday School in the only Catholic Church in Taipa, are invited to create Christmas-inspired artworks until December 18. The initiative aims to draw the kids’ attention to the fact that the real meaning of Christmas goes far beyond Santa Claus and exchanging gifts.

Joy amidst crisis: 3 children receive First Holy Communion in Taipa as Covid-19 looms, Cathedral cancels ceremony for 15 others

Three children received the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for the first time at the Church of Our Lady of Carmel in Taipa on Sunday, June 12th. The ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, however, put a damper on the ceremony at the Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady for 15 other children as restrictions were imposed. Masses and other public religious celebrations were suspended in all local churches.

People outside the Mt Carmel Church in Taipa

Our Lady of Carmel – how to build faith that moves mountains?

Pastoral action, Father Eduardo Aguero claims, is synonymous with relationship and the relationship that the Argentine priest managed to build over the last few months with the Portuguese-speaking Catholic community of Taipa has transformed the Church of Our Lady of Carmel into an example of spiritual flourishing in Macau. The Dehonian missionary helped to establish a new Bible study group and to relaunch the Holy Childhood project. On Sunday, the Advent season begins with the institution of the twelve readers that will serve the Carmel parish during the new Liturgical Year.