Love an Enemy This Lent

We are—all of us—sitting on a lot of unresolved rage. Thomas Aquinas defines the deadly sin of anger in his typically pithy manner as an irrational or excessive desire for revenge. Every one of us has been hurt by someone else, aggressed, unjustly harmed, insulted, perhaps to an extreme degree. And so, naturally enough, we harbor a desire to respond in kind.

Throw Off The Shackles of Shame And Step Into New Life

Shame can deal a debilitating blow that can invalidate our very existence. Yes, Jesus defeated death, but Peter’s shame remained due to his betrayal of Our Lord. He felt unworthy to be one of Jesus’ disciples, let alone their leader. Peter is a perfect example. Jesus, therefore, not only offered His forgiveness to Peter, but also restored his identity, not only as “fisher of men,” but also as shepherd of the Church: “Tend my sheep, feed them!”