The nuns of the Association of Religious of Uganda (ARU) fight human trafficking, led by the Sisters of the Holy Cross, through awareness campaigns and commissions. Motivated by Catholic doctrine and biblical teachings, they emphasize human life’s value. In June, millions commemorated the 60th anniversary of the Ugandan martyrs’ canonization in Namugongo, highlighting the martyrs’ faith and the fight against human trafficking.
Day: July 20, 2024
CHURCH FATHERS (37): Aphraates, “the Persian Sage”: Prayer leads to charity
Aphraates, the “Persian Sage,” was a fourth-century Syriac Christian writer. His 23 homilies, or Demonstrations, focused on faith, charity, fasting, and prayer. Aphraates taught that true faith leads to sincere charity and that prayer should result in acts of kindness and forgiveness. He emphasized the importance of fasting in various forms and reinforced key Church teachings, including the Eucharist and penance.