CHURCH FATHERS (31) Hilary of Poitiers: ‘Athanasius of the West’ and ‘Hammer of the Arians’

Saint Hilary of Poitiers (310-315 AD) converted from paganism to Christianity, becoming a staunch defender of the Trinity. As Bishop of Poitiers, he opposed Arianism, was exiled for defending Athanasius, and wrote “De Trinitate.” Known as the “Athanasius of the West,” he emphasized gentleness and reverence in his teachings. Hilary died in 367, leaving a legacy of theological works and hymns.


In the fourth and concluding part of the series on Spirituality and Christian Spirituality by Fr Fausto Gomez OP, he explores the diversity of contemporary spirituality, highlighting influential Christian and non-Christian authors like John Henry Newman, C.S. Lewis, and Viktor Frankl. He emphasizes integrating spirituality into daily life and living a holy life guided by faith and good practice.