Is gambling a sin? One of the concerns is the potential for addiction. The Catechism warns that the passion for gambling can become an enslavement, leading individuals to neglect their responsibilities and even resort to dishonesty or fraud to support their habit (CCC 2413).
Month: January 2024
Semel Eligenti, Quotidie Eligere Debeo: Metanoia of a Missionary
The imperative verb “metanoeite” used by Jesus literally translates as “change your mind” or “go beyond your mind.” What comes first in metanoia is the fundamental transformation of mind and worldview.
Macau Catholic Diocese Receives Delegation from Archdiocese of Singapore
Earlier this month, the Catholic Diocese of Macau played host to a delegation from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore which visited Macau’s Historical Archives. Later, the delegation held a discussion with Bishop D. Stephen Lee that covered Church affairs and an exchange of ideas. The visit also encompassed explorations of significant sites in Macau, emphasizing the cultural and historical ties between the two regions.
In the fourth and final column of his series titled ‘Praxis of Peace: Peacemaking in our World’, Fr Fausto Gomez OP writes that in Christian perspective, peace is a gift of God and a task for his children. Here is his recipe for peacemaking through a summary of the previous columns on peace and peacemaking in our troubled world.
Cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia: Symbol of Unity and Coexistence in Bahrain
The church, also known as the “Cathedral of the Desert”, witnesses hundreds of people attending daily masses celebrated in different rites – Latin, Maronite, Syro Malabar and Syro Malankara – and in different languages: English, Arabic, Tagalog, Malayalam and Konkani.
The Power of the Word of God
Everything depends on pure and free hearts. Therefore, the fight against evil must first be waged within us, in our hearts. There lies the origin of pride and wars. It is there where the deception of the evil one wreaks havoc.
The Authority of Jesus
Jesus casts out the evil from the person, not the person himself. We need Christian ways of dealing with members of our community, to expel the evil but welcome the person. Saving the person who is in sin while denouncing the evil is possible only with great love.
In the third column of his series titled ‘Praxis of Peace: Peacemaking in our World’, Fr Fausto Gomez OP concludes the recipe for peace with two remaining requirements: sharing something with the poor and praying for peace.
CHURCH FATHERS (12): Confronting the first heresies
Gnosticism wanted a Christianity that conformed to the world, fitted into the culture of the time, absorbed myths and Greek philosophy, and gave little room for Revelation. Montanism, on the other hand, taught that Christians should flee from the world.
In the second column of his series titled ‘Praxis of Peace: Peacemaking in our World’, Fr Fausto Gomez OP shares two more requirements for peacemaking: being a builder of peace in our communities and being at peace with the whole creation.