Catholic Diocese of Macau to fete vocational jubilarians

Marco Carvalho

The Catholic Diocese of Macau is promoting the 8th of May, Good Shepherd Sunday, as a tribute ceremony to a dozen priests and nuns who celebrated or will celebrate this year their silver, gold or diamond jubilees. Presided over by Bishop Stephen Lee, the ceremony will take place on Sunday afternoon, at Saint Lazarus’ Church. Among those being honored are the local parish priest, Father João Evangelista Lau, and Bishop Emeritus D. José Lai Hung-seng.

The tribute coincides with the commemoration of the 59th World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Established by Pope Paul VI in 1964, the annual celebration is usually held on the fourth Sunday of Easter and, on that occasion, the Church urges the faithful to pray for priestly, religious, missionary, matrimonial and other vocations.

In Macau, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be observed on Sunday afternoon with a Eucharistic celebration at Saint Lazarus’ Church “with the special intention for vocations in the Universal Church and in the Catholic Diocese of Macau,” followed by a ceremony that will celebrate the vocations of ten priests and nuns, who dedicated their lives to God and to the Catholic Church. In addition to Bishop Emeritus D. José Lai and Father João Lau, who were ordained priests on October 28th, 1972, the ceremony, organized as a sign of gratitude for the ministry and service of those that are honored, will commemorate the ecclesiastical journey of eight other priests and nuns. Among them are Father Fausto Gómez, a Dominican missionary and professor emeritus at the University of Saint Joseph, who will celebrate the diamond jubilee of his priestly ordination on June 14th.

Two Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Sr. Teresa Lai and Sr. Cecília Tang, are also celebrating their diamond jubilee, having professed their religious vows 60 years ago. Father Aidan Conroy, an Irish-born Salesian missionary, celebrates in 2022 the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination.

The year is also one of celebration for two Comboni Missionaries, Paulo Consonni and Victor Aguilar Sanchez, who are celebrating their priestly jubilee. Sister Lung Lai Chun, a missionary of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, entered religious life 25 years ago.

The director of the Macau Ricci Institute, Father Stephan Rothlin, professed his solemn religious vows a quarter of century ago, and he is also being honored by the Catholic Diocese of Macau.

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