The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) and its Alumni Association organized a four-day tour to Wuhan, fostering exchange opportunities with local universities. Led by USJ and AAUSJ leaders, the delegation visited key sites and universities, engaging in symposiums and guided tours to explore academic collaborations and Wuhan’s rich history. The tour enhanced participants’ understanding of Chinese culture and technological advancements.

University of Saint Joseph to launch Master of Catholic Studies

USJ FRSP (University of St Joseph -Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy) will revive its Bachelor of Philosophy program this fall with a greater emphasis on the philosophical and religious dimensions of human life. Later on, in spring, the Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy intends to start recruiting students for a new Master of Catholic Studies degree.

Today’s Prophets: The Enduring Societal Relevance of Vocations to Priestly and Religious Life

O Clarim will run a special series of articles on USJ FRSP (University of St Joseph -Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy) which is expressly focused on emphasizing the significance of the priesthood, especially in these times when the world seems to be in need of re-evangelization and a renewal of faith, by participating in the celebration of the Year of Vocations of the Catholic Diocese of Macao.
In the first article of this series, Ian Shelley Alabanza writes that priests or religious, in the societal context, are immensely important as they follow in the footsteps of Jesus, always striving to steer the people in their care toward a life under the guidance and counsel of the Holy Spirit.

USJ’s new leadership role is an opportunity to reposition itself internationally: Vice-Rector Barbosa

The University of Saint Joseph was elected to the Executive Secretariat of the Association of Southeast and East Asian Catholic Colleges and Universities at the most recent General Assembly of ASEACCU, which took place in Phnom Penh from 23rd to 27th August. The local Catholic university was represented at the meeting by Dean Stephen Morgan and by Professor Joseph Álvaro Barbosa. O Clarim spoke with the vice-rector about the challenges ahead.

30 students from Mainland China to pursue graduate programs at USJ

Starting from September, the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) will enroll thirty students from the People’s Republic of China, adding to the four that were already integrated in the second semester last year. The students, who completed their academic path at the University in May, were left without a graduation ceremony due to the latest, long-lasting Covid-19 outbreak.

Pope Francis sends blessing to University of Saint Joseph

The University of Saint Joseph held a ceremony this Thursday to celebrate its 25th anniversary and the Vatican did not let the occasion go unnoticed, with the granting of a papal blessing. The higher education institution expects to enrol the first students from Mainland China in the second semester of the current academic year. Bishop Stephen Lee is confident that the university will be able to preserve its international nature in the medium and long term.

USJ transitions faster to a digital classroom

The agility with which the University of Saint Joseph transitioned, in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, from regular classes to a digital environment, gave Macau’s Catholic University the tools and the experience to adapt skilfully, quickly and effectively to the sudden alteration of the epidemic panorama in the Special Administrative Region. This was the assessment of José Manuel Simões, Communication & Media Coordinator at the University of Saint Joseph.

“We aim to be a university in, of and for Macau, in, of and for China”

The University of Saint Joseph is celebrating its 25th anniversary and it was rewarded by the Central Government with a long awaited accolade. The higher education institution was authorized by the Chinese Education Ministry to recruit Mainland students, albeit on a trial basis. The University will be able to enroll students from the People’s Republic of China in postgraduate programs in Architecture, Business Administration, Information Systems and Science, Stephan Morgan announced earlier this week.