Will you be saved? Will I be saved? Truly, the question must not worry us, for we are in good hands: in God the Father’s merciful hands!

Will you be saved? Will I be saved? Truly, the question must not worry us, for we are in good hands: in God the Father’s merciful hands!
Mercy and charity are far greater attributes than others and must be nurtured to subdue innate human negativity and tendencies to be critical.
Easter is the time to ponder the certitude of the Resurrection and reject the attribute of worldliness. For only in the truth of the Resurrection is our salvation to be found.
Two major forces act on a bridge at any given time: compression and tension. In this Sunday’s Gospel (Lk 8:1-11), various forces are at work in the person of Jesus. The Scribes and Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery to Jesus, a crime punishable with stoning according to the Law of Moses. How would He judge her?