Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen highlights the Blessed Mother’s role as a mediator of mercy between justice and redemption. She intercedes for sinners, balancing justice with maternal compassion. Mary understands and helps heal the wounds of those who call upon her, embodying the essence of divine mercy.
Tag: Mary
The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. The Rosary is the classical form of devotion to Mary. It has been described as an excellent prayer by Leo XIII, a compendium of the entire Gospel by Pius XII, and a beautiful garden of flowers by St. John XXIII. Inviting us to pray the Rosary, Pope Francis tells us that “The Rosary is a simple and effective prayer.”
BITE-SIZE THEOLOGY (240): What shall we say to our Mother?
The Hail Mary while claiming Jesus’ mother as our own, honors her and her Son, proclaiming her the Mother of God and concretizing our total consecration to her.
Mary, Our Mother: The Theotokos who leads us to God
That Jesus gave us Mary to be our mother, is a grace and privilege in itself. Without Mary, her humility and forbearance, we would not find our path to the Savior. She is the beloved spiritual Mother who gently ushers us toward her divine Son.
Devotions play a significant role in our spiritual growth. They aid us in experiencing God through the veneration of Mary and saints.
Let Marthas be Marthas and Marys be Marys
Appreciating who we are, as God created us, is crucial to living a life of serenity. Envy is an insidious poison that can corrupt and not let us live our lives as our authentic selves.
Martha and Mary, finally reconciled
The story of Martha and Mary serves as a perfect reflection of how we tend to become trapped in the cares of this world which, while important, should not eliminate the presence of God in our lives. Only the contemplation of God and maintaining a balance of prayer and worldly duties can allow us the experience of the true peace that Christ offers us.