The 56th World Communications Day will be celebrated this year on 29th May, Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, with the theme: “Listening with the ear of the heart”.

The 56th World Communications Day will be celebrated this year on 29th May, Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, with the theme: “Listening with the ear of the heart”.
Bishop Stephen Lee has made the following appointment, effective from 1st June 2022: Rev. Aidan Patrick Conroy, SDB, will retire from being the Chaplain to the English-speaking and Filipino faithful.
On 8th May (4th Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday), the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
On the same day, Bishop Stephen Lee will offer the Holy Mass at 3:00 p.m. at St. Lazarus Church with the special intention for vocations in the universal Church and in the Diocese of Macau.
D. Stephen Lee Bun Sang, Bishop of Macau, announces the creation and appointment of the members of the first three-year term of the Advisory Group on Educational Affairs of Macau under the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission, effective from 1st May 2022 until 30th April 2025.
D. Stephen Lee Bun Sang, Bishop of Macau, announces the appointment for the next three-year term the members of the Diocesan Catholic Education Commission, effective from 1st May 2022 until 30th April 2025.
D. Stephen Lee Bun Sang, Bishop of Macau, announces the appointment of members to the Diocesan Commission for Life, effective from 1st May 2022 until 30th April 2025.
Bishop Stephen LEE announces that, with effect from Tuesday, 19th October 2021, all parish churches and chapels in the Diocese, with the exception of those in schools and homes for the elderly, will be open to the public as usual. For the latest information, please visit the diocesan website at
Fr. Ho Ka Fai (SDB) will act as Parochial Administrator of S. Lourenço Parish during the vacation leave of Fr. RYU Jaehyoung (BMC).