CN/14/024/2018 1st January 2019 WORLD DAY OF PEACE “Politics must be at the service of peace” The theme of Pope Francis’ Message for the 52nd World Day of Peace, marked for 1 January 2019, have been revealed in a note…
POPE FRANCIS’ MESSAGE – Good politics is at the service of peace
Christopher Wells (Vatican News) “Peace be to this house!” In his greeting to the world for the 52nd World Day of Peace, Pope Francis takes up the words proposed by Christ in the Gospel. The Holy Father notes that “the…
BITE-SIZE THEOLOGY (13) – Does the New Testament show that Peter was first among the apostles?
Rev José Mario O Mandía The New Testament shows us how Jesus gave special treatment to Peter, how he chose him from among the twelve. Does the New Testament also tell us about how Peter played his role? Yes,…
Christmas Antiphon – Music by Aurelio Porfiri
Liturgical Mass Sheet
– Tej Francis LEICESTER, UNITED KINGDOM BISHOP SAYS IRAQI CHRISTIANS WANT TO STAY, CONTRIBUTE TO COUNTRY (Crux) Bishop Paul McAleenan said he was “shocked” by what he saw during a recent trip to northern Iraq to visit with…
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son of God (20)
CHRISTMAS ALLELUIA – Music by Aurelio Porfiri
Liturgical Mass Sheet
ASK THE LITURGIST (20) – Liturgical Group – 2
– Enrico Finotti If the three commissions adhere to this threefold way of proceeding they can only be effective in their ecclesial action and promote an authentic work of evangelization, sanctification and Christian life in charity. Unfortunately, in a widespread…
BITE-SIZE THEOLOGY (12) – Were all the apostles of the same rank?
Christ giving the keys to Peter (1481-1482), Pietro Perugino, Sistine Chapel (Vatican) – Rev José Mario O Mandía Jesus handpicked twelve men whose names are listed in the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19, and Luke 6:14-16) and in the…
THE KEY TO PEACE – 16th December 2018, 3rd Sunday of Advent
Zephaniah 3:14-18a; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:10-18 Shiu Lan In this third Sunday of Advent as we anticipate and prepare ourselves to relive the spirit of that first Christmas more than two thousand years ago, the scripture readings remind us…