– Marco Carvalho The expectations of the younger generations and the celebration of the missionary dimension of the work developed by the Catholic Church are the main priorities of the Diocese of Macau for 2019. This year will also see…
LESSONS FROM THE MAGI (I) – Wise men ask, wise men act
REV. JOSÉ MARIO O. MANDIA “Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?’” (Mt 2:1) The Wise Men knew something important: they knew that they did not know…
THE FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD – Magi follow star to find Light
Miguel Augusto (*) With the feast of the Epiphany, the Church celebrates the manifestation of Jesus to the world. “Epiphany,” of Greek origin, means “outward manifestation,” “appearance.” “For the Church which believes and prays, the Wise Men from the East…
POPE FRANCIS – Good Politics Serve Peace
FAUSTO GOMEZ OP The World Day for Peace was founded and inaugurated by St. Paul VI. In the first message (Jan 1, 1968) entitled The Observance of a Day of Peace, Pope Montini writes: “We address Ourselves to all…
CHURCH FATHERS (38) – Saint Leo the Great
Anastasios The history of the Church has given us all sorts of Popes, from great saints, great intellectuals and also, let us not hide it, to great sinners. One great saint and intellectual was Pope Leo, later called “The Great.”…
Aurelio Porfiri In the past weeks I had been reading an interesting book about the Rosary. The book was written by the American Father Donald Calloway, belonging to the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most…
FATHER JOÃO ELEUTÉRIO – “Future of the Church depends on ecclesial maturity of all its members”
Marco Carvalho A consolidated entity, but bold and active. This is the vision of the Church that Father João Eleutério nurtures. The former Dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies of the University of Saint Joseph will return to Portugal…
BEGINNING AGAIN – A repentant sinner’s litany
Lord, you said that you will not abandon the lost sheep. I am lost, keep looking for me without getting tired; arise and do not let my soul end up in perdition, lost among the storms of the tempest. I…
Chancery Notice
CN1/001/2019 Chancery Notice The Most Reverend Michael YEUNG Ming-cheung, Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong, has passed away at Canossa (Caritas) Hospital at 1:30p.m. on 3 January 2019, aged 73. The faithful are kindly requested to pray for the…
YOUTH FORUM – Macau Diocese kicks off three-year Year of the Youth
In order to respond to the summons of the Final Document of the Synod of Bishops, held in Rome last October, the Diocese of Macau organized a Youth Forum to kickstart its own three-year Year of the Youth. The Final…