“A marriage which is ratified (ratum) and consummated (consummatum) cannot be dissolved by any human power or by any cause other than death” (Code of Canon Law – CCL, canon 1141).
Day: February 18, 2022
Holy Shepherds of Fatima celebrated this Sunday
“Francisco and Jacinta are stimulated to put themselves at the service of this light [the light of God that radiated from Our Lady] that they put in their gaze, but which they want to transmit. A light of hope, a light of trust, and they offer themselves in prayer, offering their lives as a gift. And Lúcia, this seer who remains with us until she is 97 and whose name contains this light, becomes a witness to a hope, a witness to a promise”
“A wonderful book that will help you foster a greater love for St. Joseph…I highly recommend this book!” said Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, foremost Josephologist and author of Consecration to St. Joseph. Steve Ray, popular Catholic author and speaker says, “Journey with Joseph enables us to hear Joseph, though we have no recorded words from this silent saint.” Troy Guy, founder of Discover His Church, says it’s “an intimate experience with one of the greatest saints in history…!” And theologian Fr. Matthew Habiger, OSB, calls it “a real jewel.” When it comes to books about Saint Joseph, “you will not go wrong by starting with this one,” said Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB distinguished Josephologist and Director of Spiritual Formation at St. Vincent Seminary.
To you that hear
What kind of Good News is this? “But I say to you that hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also.” (Lk 6:27-38). Jesus’s words sound almost cruel and inhuman, because Jesus is not talking about patiently bearing with an annoying colleague, nor about forgiving someone who has done terrible things to us but later repented. Jesus is talking about being merciful while enduring abuse and the abuser shows no repentance. An unthinkable situation.
University of Saint Joseph to discuss the existence of God
Starting from next Thursday, the local Catholic University will try to answer questions such as “Can we know that God exists?” or “Is there evidence for God?” in a series of lectures promoted by the Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy. An Associate Professor of Philosophy at USJ, Tyler McNabb will argue, in the inaugural lecture, for the thesis that religious belief can be rational, justified or warranted apart from argument. O Clarim spoke with Professor McNabb.
“The greatest challenge of the Church is to foster faith in people”
With a degree in Medicine, the young Macanese seminarian says he desires to fulfil his vocation at the service of Macau’s Catholics. The greatest challenge he faces, Agostinho claims, is to reawaken faith in those that are too accommodated to the world. The seminarian spoke with O Clarim.
Biblical Association to promote course on Luke’s Gospel
The Saint Francis Xavier Church Parish Centre, in Mong-Há, will host, starting from the 1st of March until June 7th, a twelve-lesson course on the Gospel of Saint Luke. The Macau Catholic Biblical Association hopes to attract up to fifty participants. Catholics and catechumens, in particular, are welcome to participate.