CHANCERY NOTICE – Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace

In response to Pope Francis’ appeal concerning the situation in Ukraine, Bishop Stephen LEE has instructed that all parishes to arrange a one-hour public Eucharistic adoration on 2nd March (Ash Wednesday) to pray for the intention of peace. Parishioners are asked to take note of the details released by their parishes. It is also the Church’s established day of penance and Catholics of the required age are obligated to observe fasting and abstinence.

A way of purification towards Easter

“If we look at the gospel now, what does Jesus do in the desert? He’s not just a new Israel out in the wilderness, he’s also a new Adam so whereas Adam was tempted in the garden of paradise, now Jesus the new Adam is tempted in the desert. Because that’s what our sin has done, it turns the paradise of creation into a desert. And just like Adam was tempted by the devil in the book of Genesis, now Jesus is tempted by the devil in the desert. And just as Adam had three temptations: lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life, so now the devil hits Jesus with the same three temptations. But unlike Adam, Jesus conquers it.”

Continuing Conversion

Sin is bad company. It is opposed to what we all want in life: happiness, which is made up of love, compassion, peace and joy – and continuing prayer! The greatest thing: God is infinitely merciful and always ready to open the door of forgiveness. Sin is forgiven by the mercy of God through Christ. By acknowledging and confessing our sins with repentance, we are on the way home, on the way – like the Prodigal Son – to the embrace of our Father.