In the Eucharist, we receive Christ Himself. This is why it is so important that we are properly prepared and approach the sacrament with the correct disposition. The day of our First Holy Communion should be one of the most memorable and joyful days of our life.
Indeed, it was for Edna Ritchie and Roxanne Pangan. On November 21, 2021, Feast of Christ the King, the two girls received their First Communion at the Macau Cathedral during the 5:00 PM Mass for the English-speaking community. Their families and the Catechism group of the English-speaking community joined them in the celebration. The two girls were prepared by Peggy Munarriz of the Opus Dei Women’s Center in Macau. They received catechetical instructions for a couple of years before they were ready to receive their first communion.
The celebration was prayerful and simple. The two first communicants were overwhelmed by the solemnity and joy of the celebration. They were wearing white dresses, a reminder of all of the white garments given to them at the time of their baptism.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist completes Christian initiation and unites us with Christ and with the church. The Bishops at the Second Vatican Council called the Eucharist the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Lumen Gentium 11). The Eucharist helps us to recognize the face of Christ in those in need, strengthens our commitment to the poor, and makes us one in Christ.
The first Holy Communion program of the English-speaking community at the Cathedral seeks to help children and their parents learn and grow in their faith. Every First Holy Communion is an important family celebration. It is also an important celebration for the entire parish. Eucharist allows us to encounter God’s infinite love and calls us to be one with him through his Son, Jesus Christ.