Last Tuesday (April 9), Macau Ricci Institute Forum offered a lecture given by Rev. Fr Cyril Jerome Law, Jr at the Seminary of Saint Joseph, on the theme of his doctoral thesis.
The study explores the parallelism between Chinese Jesuit Joseph Ma Xiangbo (1840-1939) and British Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801-1890). Despite the cultural and geographical differences and the different social and political contexts, Fr Cyril Law showed several common points in the thoughts and lives of these followers of Christ. The event was supported by the University of Saint Joseph (USJ). Rev. Fr Dr Cyril Jerome Law, Jr is a diocesan priest and academic coordinator of the Saint Joseph Seminary of Macau. He completed his doctorate at Heythrop College, University of London (UK) and now serves as visiting academic at the Department of Catholic Theology of Faculty of Religious Studies – USJ, Macau.