The Blessed Mother appeared under the title of “Rosa Mystica” (Mystical Rose) at Montichiari in Northern Italy to Pierina Gilli. The purpose of this devotion was the reform of the religious and religious institutions. During the sixth apparition, Our Blessed Mother appeared with the two children of Fatima (Francisco and Jacinta) which shows Her appearance under the title of “Rosa Mystica” was a continuation of Fatima.
Pierina Gilli was born on August 3, 1911 at Montichiari and worked as a nurse in the hospital there. The first time Our Blessed Mother appeared to Pierina was in a hospital room in the spring of 1947. Our Lady, a beautiful woman, wore a violet dress with a white veil around her head. She was very sad; her eyes were filled with tears which fell to the floor. Her breast was pierced by three big swords. Our Lady said, “Prayer – Penitence – Expiation” and was silent.
Our Lady appeared again in the hospital. This time Our Lady was dressed in white and instead of the three swords she had three beautiful roses; a white one, a red one and a golden one. Pierina asked her “Please tell me who you are.” Our Lady answered smiling: “I am the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all of you. Our Lord sends me to bring you a new Marian devotion for all male and female institutes, religious orders and secular priests. I promise those religious institutes, orders and secular priests who venerate me in this special way my special protection, an increase of spiritual vocations, fewer betrayed vocations and great sanctity among the servants of God. I wish the 13th of each month to be celebrated as the day of Mary.
“On the twelve preceding days special prayers of preparation should be said. On this day I shall send to these religious institutes, members of orders, and secular priests who have honored me in this way, a superabundance of graces and great sanctity. I wish the 13th of July of each year to be celebrated in honor of the ‘Rosa Mystica,’ the mystical rose.” Pierina asked now whether she would perform a miracle. Our Lady answered “The most evident miracle will be: The godly souls who for some time, especially during the war-time, became lukewarm, so that they were unfaithful or even betrayed their vocation, will cease to offend Our Lord gravely. By their great offenses they brought punishment and persecution upon the church – as we experience it in our days. But then the original spirit of their holy founders will blossom again.
“I wish people to celebrate each year on December 8th at noon the Hour of Grace for the whole world. With this exercise one will receive numerous spiritual and bodily graces. Our Lord, my Divine Son Jesus, will be abundantly merciful so long as good mean go on praying for their fellow-men. As soon as possible let the supreme shepherd of the church, Pope Pius XII know: It is my wish that this Hour of Grace be publicized and spread through the whole world. If someone cannot go to church at this time he is to pray at noon at home and he will receive graces from me. He who prays on these bricks and sheds tears of repentance will find a secure ladder to Heaven and get protection and graces from my motherly heart.”
When Pierina saw that Our Lady was going to depart, she said “Dear Lady, I thank you! Bless my homeland Italy and the whole world, but especially the Holy Father, the priests, the religious and the sinners.” Our Lady replied “I have an abundance of graces ready for all those children who hear my voice and take my wishes to heart.”