Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son of God (5)
Month: July 2018
CHURCH FATHERS (24) – Lactantius
– Anastasios Just a while ago, talking about Arnobius, we were quoting Saint Jerome in saying: “Arnobius rhetor in Africa clarus habetur; qui cum Siccae ad declamandum iuvenes erudiret…” (In Africa, Arnobius the rhetor is considered important, who when he…
BITE-SIZE PHILOSOPHY (74) – What about subsidiarity?
Quangpraha at Pixabay – Rev José Mario O Mandía We have previously studied two important principles that should govern social life: human dignity and the common good. These two principles lead us to two more: subsidiarity and solidarity. Today we…
GREAT FIGURES OF THE MISSIONARY WORK – Bengal and the Kingdom of the Dragon (14)
– Joaquim Magalhães de Castro In the beginning of the 17th century, the Kingdom of the Cocho had its headquarters in Hajo. Although it was visible on the northern side of Brahmaputra, that city was not the destination of the…
THE EUCHARIST (3) – Our Daily Bread and Spiritual Food
– Joni Cheng In the Old Testament, the manna that was given by God to the Sons of Israel in the desert was a prefiguration of the Eucharist (CCC 1094), which “He rained down upon them manna to eat, and…
ON PILGRIMAGE (3) – St Therese, the Little Flower
– Sr Margaret Fung Today is the third day of our pilgrimage, we will be very busy going from one place to another, without stop. Apart from admiring the scenery of France, this afternoon, we will arrive in Lisieux —…
ROOTS OF CRISIS – Modernity and modernism
– Aurelio Porfiri The word “modernism” perhaps does not say much to many people. Yet this current of thought was a great concern for the Church, especially in the early twentieth century. This concern came from the fact that modernism…
MARIAN APPARITIONS (76) – Vinay, France
The village of Plantees, France, was Catholic in 1649. A farmer in the area, Pierre Port-Combet, had abandoned the Catholic Faith for the heresy known as Calvinism. He refused to allow his devout wife to raise their six children in…
– Tej Francis GLASGOW, SCOTLAND UNIVERSITY REMOVES PRIEST WHO HOSTED ROSARY OF REPARATION FOR GAY PRIDE PARADE (CNA/EWTN News) A Catholic priest in Glasgow has been removed as a university chaplain after hosting a rosary of reparation for the city’s…
At 11 am local time, the 16th of July 2018, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tamatsukuri Church) in Japan, Fr Josep Maria Abella Batlle, CMF and Fr. Paul Toshihiro Sakai of the Opus…