Pedro Daniel Oliveira One year after the celebration of the centenary of the Apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, the Diocese of Macau marks the occasion in Saint Dominic’s Church on Sunday, May 13. The Mass in Chinese starts at 8:00 AM,…
CHURCH’S PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR (II) – Confronting poverty and misery in Yolanda’s wake
Fr Leonard E Dollentas On November 8, 2013 the Philippines was struck by powerful typhoon Yolanda (International name Haiyan). At least 6,300 people died from the disaster according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (the Philippine government-run…
O SACRUM CONVIVIUM – Music by Aurelio Porfiri
Liturgical Mass Sheet
INTERVIEW WITH FATHER LLUIS CLAVELL (2) – Metaphysics and beyond
Aurelio Porfiri I would like to talk a little more about the problem of ‘68. There are several books about this fateful age. Vatican II was convened between 1962 and 1965. The Novus Ordus of the Mass (we call it…
BITE-SIZE PHILOSOPHY (062) – What does a pencil teach us about natural law?
FEATURED IMAGE: moritz320 at Pixabay Rev José Mario O Mandía Last time we saw how our experience leads us to the need for ethics and morality. We have seen that the concepts of good and evil are related to and…
CHURCH FATHERS (18) – Clement of Alexandria
Anastasios The School of Alexandria, was one of the most important theological schools in the earliest centuries of Christianity. A tradition said that the school was initiated by the apostle Mark. Alexandria, in Egypt, was a city renown also for…
The Holy Spirit Comes (I) – YOU WILL GET BURNED
Rev José Mario O Mandía Yes, that’s right. Did not Jesus say, “I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled?” (Luke 12:49) The Holy Spirit is fire. We often have a poetic idea…