On the News: Transgenderism and the Degeneracy of the West

Aurelio Porfiri

There are two news articles that recently caught my attention. In one, Elon Musk’s son Xavier Alexander Musk legally petitioned and obtained a name change, after declaring that he was transgender, and no longer wishes to be known as the child of Elon Musk. In the other, Jennifer Lopez addresses her daughter before a concert at which she sang with the neuter pronoun “they” so as not to be identified as male or female.

I do not have to tell you that the Bible says “male and female He created them” to make you realize the ideas that come mainly from the Western world are an abject corruption of God’s plan for man – leading to a man who becomes a god in his own right, being able to decide what has already been decided for him.

I might side with the name change with the knowledge of Elon Musk’s penchant for strange names He named one of his children X AE X A 12. I do not know the diminutive. But for the sex change?! God in his divine wisdom has predetermined what sex we will be born as. Why then should we not decide our age too? From tomorrow I want to be 30 again!

Unfortunately, Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill are attempting to play up the corruption of the West to their advantage. However, it is not a corruption that has been noticed only lately and was  denounced long before the Russians noticed it.

If you play god, God will not stand by for too long. If his rights are trampled on, he will make his voice heard in ways that we may not always find pleasant. In my opinion, the real geopolitical crisis  is the collapse of the West, a collapse that has been progressively raging for decades and that has one of its distinctive features in the revulsion toward religious values. A revulsion reinforced by certain behaviors even within religious organizations, as has been said for some time.

This is why Putin does not win in terms of the war on the battlefield, but by exploiting an unstoppable surrender to the fall of man and a disintegration of civilization that sees no end.

(Image: ArtTower at pixabay.com)