Aurelio Porfiri

How many times have we been given to hear the phrase “God’s silence”? Sometimes it seems to us that God no longer addresses us, indeed that He is not there, He does not exist. A form of silence in which we cannot deny His presence is that of the Eucharist.

When we visit so many tabernacles in our dark churches, God awaits us and speaks to us in His own way. It is a language that is not always given to us to grasp, but at times it is also nourished by our silence. The mutual gaze opens a channel of communication that takes place at a level that perhaps we cannot perceive at the moment.

“I have to be content with a silence that I have to try not to over-interpret. God speaks to us in his silence and the Eucharist is already a very powerful response.”

Our mind is often dazed and it is difficult to reach that state where we are truly able to listen. Sometimes we manage to grab shreds of sentences, stubs of words. The mystics were very good at being able to read God’s silence and make it resound in sentences of ineffable depth.

Sometimes it also happens to me to exchange whispers of a silent communication, an understanding with Jesus in the tabernacle, and I also look forward to a sign from him to understand how to deal with so many difficult situations. I have to be content with a silence that I have to try not to over-interpret. God speaks to us in his silence and the Eucharist is already a very powerful response. The pertinent problem is that we have forgotten the question.

(Image: Fotorech at