The Legion of Mary in Macau celebrated their 100th Anniversary. A Mass was held at St Lazarus’ Church presided by Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-Sang, Spiritual Director Fr Edgar Palomo Pasaporte, former Spiritual Director Fr Ip Luk Pui, Fr Ho Lu Vien James, Our Lady of Fatima Church Pastor Fr José Angel Castellanos Hernandez, Igreja de S. Francisco Xavier (Mong Ha) Assistant Parochial Vicar Fr Rafael Gemelli Vigolo, chaplain of St Paul School Fr Lawrence The Reh and Fr Chan Pou Chun Francisco Xavier. Prayers of Legion of Mary at 3 PM preceded the thanksgiving Mass, which began at 3:30 PM. The participants were very enthusiastic and grateful.
In the Bishop’s homily, he said he hoped to set up the Legion of Mary in every school and parish, with the end of sanctifying oneself and sanctifying others. Bishop Lee pointed out that the first reading of the Mass mentions the names of some of Paul’s helpers. Members of the Legion of Mary are also helpers who work silently to continue the saving work of Jesus Christ since 1921, when God inspired Mr Frank Duff to found the Legion of Mary.
The pandemic calls for visiting the sick and caring for the lonely elderly, which is one of the charitable works of the Legion of Mary. The 21st century presents risks and challenges but also opportunities for sanctification.
Mr Frank Duff had said that the Legion of Mary had brought to the Church many saints who were not guillotined and martyred by spilling their blood, but through humility. The Legion of Mary is a testimony given to the world.
Before the end of the Mass, the leader of the Legion of Mary gave a speech of thanks, and presented a gift to Bishop Lee, thanking him for his presence and his support to the Legion of Mary. Fr Edgar Palomo Pasaporte led everyone in reciting the prayers of the Legion of Mary. The ceremony concluded with the Bishop’s blessing.
After the Mass the guests were given the souvenir “Celebrate the 100 Years Anniversary of Legion of Mary Special Issue” which hopes to introduce the history, purpose, spirit, spirituality, and life of the Legion of Mary.
Dinner followed at the Hotel Royal at 6:30 PM.