Ross Belle Santos-Balatbat

“My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you– (Galatians 4:19).”  Parents need to mold their children in the image and likeness of God.  Pope Francis said in his reflection that the human family is built upon mothers.  The prayer Jesus taught us serves as the very foundation that guides a mother is guided in her vocation.

Our Father in Heaven.  The mother believes that everyone is a child of God This is what she inculcates to her children, that God is “Our Father” whose unconditional love is manifested by Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection for our sake.  And mothers instinctively give their all – whatever their children’s choices be in their lives – from womb to tomb.

Hallowed be Thy Name. A mother in her children’s formative age disciplines them.  She will bear the pain of teaching them what is right in the eyes of the Lord so they will grow up living a just and godly life, with good character and positive outlook. 

Thy Will Be Done. Mothers know that they are stewards of their children, who are not theirs but God’s.  They will guide their children but not impose on them the direction or vocation they should follow.  They understand that God has the best in store for their children, the best plan and that they have to cooperate with God’s will.

Give us this day our Daily Bread.  She witnesses how miraculously they make ends meet even with the very minimal budget that her husband can provide.  She teaches her children that with faith in God, there will be no shortage in their home as long as they know how to count their blessings and be grateful to God.

Forgive us our sins.  Even with their children’s young age, mothers patiently train them to use words such as “please,” “thank you,” “I’m sorry” and “I love you.” They grow up humble and ready to forgive and to move on and not bear hatred.

Lead us not into temptation.  Mother teaches her children to say “no” to temptations to avoid sin.  She teaches them how to love the Holy Eucharist and the freedom from sin by gaining grace through confession, and all other sacraments.

Deliver us from evil.  Mothers teach their children to rise and begin again.

We continue to offer a prayer every day for all mothers and all who play a maternal role in our lives. May all families be rooted in love with the perfect prayer as their guide.