– Anastasios
The Basilica of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte is important for several reasons, one of them being the exact place where one of the most famous apparitions of the Virgin Mary has happened. But we will talk about that later.
A place of worship already existed in this area in the 12th century. This place was built in the midst of woods (infra hortes) so the name “delle fratte,” that means exactly that the church was built in this kind of countryside landscape. Thanks to the work of extraordinary artists like Francesco Borromini and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, it was rebuilt in successive centuries. We have the dome from when it was originally built and the famous “angels” that can be admired inside the church when it was subsequently rebuilt.
But the reason why the church is so famous is another story and has to be researched in the 19th century. I obtained more information about this very special place and about the great miracles happening there from Father Giacomo M. D’Orta, of the minim order who is pastor of the church: “Our parish is located in the center of Rome, near the Spanish Steps, and this area is mainly composed of offices and bed and breakfasts. In light of this, most of the people who visit the church are tourists or workers who hop in before going to work or at any time they pass through this parish. They are attracted not only to the works of art (in particular the work of Borromini and Bernini’s angels) but most of all to the ‘Madonna del Miracolo’ (Our Lady of the Miracle). An image that recalls the apparition that the Virgin made at the altar now dedicated to her in 1842, by an atheist named Alfonso Ratisbonne, instantly converting him to faith.” Yes, Alphonse Ratisbonne, of Jewish origin and strongly against Catholicism, who was converted thanks to the miraculous medal and an apparition of the Virgin Mary at one of the altars of this church. This is now one of the most famous Marian sanctuaries, it is also called “the Roman Lourdes.” So I assume that this miracle helped the liturgical life of the Basilica from that moment to our days. I inquired about this with Father D’Orta: “Participation in the sacraments is excellent; the quality of the spiritual life present in this parish is excellent. We could say, in a certain sense, that despite being a place of passage, it is still true that whoever enters here does so to pray …”
So, I also wanted to know from father D’Orta what are the most important things that a pilgrim to his church should look for: “The painting of the Madonna del Miracolo, the angels by Bernini and the dome by Borromini are – for different reasons – the three most resonant elements present in this church.” But, as father has rightly pointed out, let us not forget that this is mainly a place of prayer, a place where the supernatural has chosen to give a great sign to humanity. So, I asked the pastor of the parish again, I am sure that there were quite important people associated with his church… “If we give the word ‘associated’ a broad meaning, then we can find many, but more than any other, the following two names that can be remembered: St Maximilian M. Kolbe, who wanted to celebrate his first Mass here precisely for the devotion to the Immaculate Conception and St Teresa of the Child Jesus (or ‘of Lisieux’), who during her stay in Rome, came here to the altar of Saint Joseph to pray to him often.” And these names are only two among many saints and simple faithful that have chosen to manifest their faith at the feet of maternal love of the Blessed Virgin Mary.