– Ross Belle Santos-Balatbat
Center for Pastoral Care of Migrants held an Advent recollection on the day of the Solemnity of Christ the King, 26 November, from 10 AM to 3 PM. Sister Yna Onarte, RC, who guided the reflections, chose the theme “Star ng Buhay Ko” (Star of My Life) for her reflections. It was based on Matthew’s account of the Magi.
Sister Yna gave the participants some questions to reflect on, even after the recollection: Who or what are the star or stars in my life? Who do I look up to? Listen to? Whom am I following? Modelling my life on? Jealous or envious of?
A second tier of questions directed the participants to ask about the principles in their life that guide them in their thoughts and deeds.
A third set of questions asked: What is it that I am persistent to achieve?
Finally, she led them to ask whether these stars give meaning to their lives which, in turn, can be of inspiration to others.