Liturgical Mass Sheet
[照片說明] The Trinity, Taddeo Crivelli – Rev José Mario O Mandía First of all, let us answer the question “What is a mystery?” In Theology, the term “mystery” refers to truths that human reason cannot discover unless God reveals them…
– Joaquim Magalhães de Castro During our short visit to Chagri I had the opportunity to share with the local “guelões” – to their delight, I must say – the extraordinary adventure of Estevão Cacela and João Cabral. And they…
– Don Enrico Finotti I had many parish priests and they all agreed on the Council, but each then did the opposite of his predecessor. What did the Council really say? It is a fact that everyone agrees with the…
– Benedict Keith Ip The Comissão Organizadora do Encontro das Comunidades Macaense “Macau 2019” paid a courtesy visit on the 4th of June to the Paço Episcopal to exchange the latest program on their upcoming Macanese gathering, which will be…
Saint Irenaeus was born in the year 120; he was of the Greek tongue, and probably a native of Asia Minor. His parents, who were Christians, placed him while still young under the care of the great Saint Polycarp, Bishop…
– Anastasios With Peter Chrysologus we are speaking of one of the most active bishops under the pontificate of Leo the Great. He lived between the 4th and the 5th centuries. He was known for his devotion to the Roman…
– Aurelio Porfiri One of the most known Catholic intellectuals is Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, an american scholar who has devoted most of his studies to the theme of liturgy and liturgical developments. It is no surprise that most of his…