PASTORAL CARE FOR MIGRANTS — Formation: not only a must but a need

Ross Belle Balatbat

The SOLT missionaries of the Pastoral Care for Migrants have set a regular monthly formation for everyone available especially for all the ministers who assist in the Eucharistic Celebration. The activity is usually held every fourth Sunday of the month at the Pastoral Centre after lunch.   Adjustments of schedule are made to give support to other celebration or events.

Last Sunday, May 13, the formation was given by Sister Catherine Luu, FMOL. She spoke about Jesus, “one Divine person with two natures – both God and human” and the Trinity as “one Divine substance in three Persons.”

One of the usherettes and member of the Legion of Mary, Jocelyn Castaneda, said that the course helps her faith to grow. She revealed that her whole family who lives in the Philippines benefits as well. The family members take Sunday Mass seriously regardless of their busy work in the fields. She admitted that for her, “formation is not only a must” (because it is a requirement) but also “a need,” because it’s one way for her to deepen her knowledge of faith, clarify her own misconceptions and make her a better and effective evangelizer.

The formation was brief and simple but the attendees agreed that it was substantial and gave them points to ponder.