Ross Belle Balatbat
“You did not choose me; it was I who chose you and sent you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last.” (cf John 15:16)
One of the commissions of the Pastoral Care for Migrants in Macau is the Family, Life and Youth Ministry, under the guidance and direction of Fr Andrew de Vera, SOLT. Just recently a new sub-ministry was formed and every new member is enthusiastic and considering it a privilege to serve the Lord as He called them.
Initially, the members of the sub-ministry were committed to serve at the Pastoral center every Friday at the 7:30 PM Mass and on appointed Sunday Masses at St Joseph Seminary chapel, taking turns with all the other choir coordinators through the Liturgical commission guided and directed by Fr Alejandre “Andy” Vergara, SOLT. Last Sunday was their first time to serve in the 6:30 Mass at the Cathedral. Considering it a privilege, they prepared as they do during other Masses, using their free time to gather and to practice the Mass songs.
For the past years, the youth have also taken active part in serving the Lord and their parents were very supportive, not only during the events but also in their practices. Hence, Fr Andrew invited the parents to take part in the establishment of the Family and Life choir before the end of 2017. According to Fr Andrew,anyone can be a member of the Family and Life for everyone is a member of a family, for as long as one has the drive and commitment to take part in making family relationships stronger (as exemplified by the parents)and in their own simple way to be an instrument in healing of brokenness in relationships. It is a new life, a new beginning for each member, because they are being challenged to become a role model for the younger generation. With their eagerness, they are so much willing to go out of their comfort zones, willing to be pruned to truly bear fruit. Despite their differences they remain harmonious and one as a family of families.
The members of the new sub-ministry are consistent in their support of whatever activities were being delegated to the commission, not only through physical presence or by involvement in the practices or activities but contributing according to each one’s capacity, ability and availability。
Also, those who are free after serving their families at home or when off from work also attend the formation organized by the SOLT Fathers on Sunday afternoons.
The members of the sub-ministry were blessed by the support of the instrumentalist of one of the choirs in the Pastoral Center, Brother Boyet Bautista especially during their daily preparations for the Easter Vigil Mass, whose advice they truly kept in their hearts, that “that they must sing as a choir, their voices must be heard in harmony as much as possible.”
Lately, in their almost nightly practices where they familiarized themselves with their new lineup of songs, Fr Ryan June Real was able to guide them with his bit of knowledge in music, thus motivating them even more. The presence of the SOLT Fathers during their practice sessions gives them a chance to get spiritual guidance and be reminded to turn their singing to prayer.