Pedro Daniel Oliveira
On May 9th of this year, the Macau Government approved the urban development plan concerning the Macau Diocese’s new Catholic Center. The current building is expected to be torn down in July 2019.
“Following the approval of the urban development plan, the Catholic Centre Redevelopment Office [CCRO] believes the approval would facilitate the stage of engaging the design consultant for the building. If things go smoothly, the preliminary architectural submissions (ante-projecto) could be submitted in October of this year at the earliest,” CCRO Assistant Coordinator Teresa Lo told O CLARIM.
“However, the time of such approval would rest with the Government departments. Only until then, could the stage of the demolition of the existing building commence in July of 2019 tentatively,” she added.
The new Catholic Center is one of the biggest projects of the Macau Diocese. Its project revolves around three main cores – formation, exhibition and hospitality. The multi-function rooms are earmarked for faith formation. The function of the exhibition room is to showcase to the public the life journey of the Church in Macau and the Catholic Church at large. The two-star hotel can provide around 200 rooms for pilgrims and visitors.