Anastasios When we talk of important thinkers between the second and third century of the Christian era, it is impossible not to mention Origen of Alexandria. His father, Leonidas, died as a martyr and it was he who infused on…

Anastasios When we talk of important thinkers between the second and third century of the Christian era, it is impossible not to mention Origen of Alexandria. His father, Leonidas, died as a martyr and it was he who infused on…
PHOTO: Photo by Peter Feghali on Unsplash Sr Judith Yuen, FMM As the call of God became an irresistible urge in me, I could not ignore it. It was also during a retreat that the Lord set me on fire…
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue Dear Buddhist Friends, On behalf of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, we extend our warmest greetings and prayerful good wishes on the occasion of Vesakh. May this feast bring joy and peace to all…
Photo: Aurelio Porfiri You are living in Afghanistan. Why you are staying in a so difficult place? As I said, the Barnabites stayed in Asia (Burma, a Buddhist country) until 1830. They came again to Asia a hundred years…
The Abbot Orsini wrote: “Our Lady of the Fountain, at Constantinople, built, by the Emperor Leo, in the year 460, in thanksgiving for the Blessed Virgin’s having appeared to him on the margin of a spring, to which he was…
Fausto Gomez OP On February 11, 1985, St John Paul II founded the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers. In 1994, this Pontifical Council issued the first Charter for Health Care Worker. Taking into account, on one…
Featured Image: Photo by Yingchou Han on Unsplash Fausto Gomez OP A close friend of mine, a lay person called me up some days ago to tell me joyfully: “I understood it well!” He was referring to the new Apostolic Exhortation…
FEATURED IMAGE: Guilherme Stecanella at Unsplash Anastasios Objection 1: When we talk of a will, we know that this will has an end in something, in some kind of “good.” But we cannot assign to God any end, so God has…
FEATURED IMAGE: PublicDomainPictures at Pixabay Rev José Mario O Mandía All human beings with the use of reason are capable of knowing natural law and its demands. Moreover, for those who have accepted the faith preached by Jesus Christ, there…
Acts 1:1-11, Eph 4:1-13, Mk 16:15-20 Edmond Lo According to today’s Gospel, Mark, it was in Galilee (Mk 16:7). Matthew also located the event in Galilee (Mt. 28:7, 16). Luke? Contrary to the Marcan and Matthean accounts, he put it…