Fausto Gomez OP In two pieces, I wish to share with my readers some basic points regarding HIV-AIDS: its nature and causes, ways to control the HIV virus and to prevent its spread, and on our attitude as human beings…

Fausto Gomez OP In two pieces, I wish to share with my readers some basic points regarding HIV-AIDS: its nature and causes, ways to control the HIV virus and to prevent its spread, and on our attitude as human beings…
Roberto Marchesini Star Wars, including the last chapter, is an epic saga like few others. Its most philosophical dialogues are however imbued with a clearly visible New Age culture. George Lucas, the creator of the saga, was inspired by Joseph…
George Kastrioti Skanderbeg (1405–1467), also known as Iskander, or by his more colorful title, the Dragon of Albania, was a great warrior and leader of the people of Albania who fought against the expansion of the Ottoman Empire into his…
Dasha Mei Secretario dela Cruz Before the Confirmation classes started, I wasn’t ready and I was also thinking about changing my religion. I wanted to satisfy my spiritual needs but I didn’t find it in the Roman Catholic Church because…
[PHOTO] Himanshu Gunarathna at Pixabay Rev José Mario O Mandía We have studied both objective norms (moral law) and subjective norms (conscience) of morality. The next question is: what aspects of an action (“action” can also mean “thoughts,” “desires,” “attitudes”)…
Anastasios We just had a glimpse inside the influence that a thinker as Origen had in his time and well beyond. This is an influence that cannot be overlooked. Indeed we can judge from following writers the extent of the…
Ex 24:3-8, Heb 9:11-15, Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 Edmond Lo www.FLL.cc Don’t know about you, but to me the scenes that appear before my eyes as today’s readings are solemnly proclaimed in the liturgy of the Word are more vivid, colorful,…
Enrico Finotti When to celebrate solemn baptism: at Easter or at Epiphany? The relationship between baptism and the Eucharist in relation to the Paschal Mystery explains the convenience of Easter as the annual date of solemn baptism. In fact, just…
FEATURED IMAGE: Rome Reports Jasmin Yiu The Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference (CRBC) met with Pope Francis for their ad limina visit on May 14. In the interview with Radio Veritas Asia at the Taipei airport on May 16, Archbishop Hung…
Also known as Our Lady of Altotting, the shrine of the Chapel of Grace in Bavaria lies amid the mountains about three miles south of Oberammergau in upper Bavaria. The miraculous healings that have occurred there are so numerous, that…