“Hope sustains us on our journey of faith”

A visiting professor at the University of Saint Joseph since 2019, Father David Goodill arrived in Macau for the very first time and delivered a public lecture at Saint Dominic’s Church on the concept of hope in the Summa Theologiae of Saint Thomas Aquinas. With a doctorate in moral theology from the Swiss University of Freiburg, the Dominican friar argues that hope is the virtue that makes us persevere on our journey of faith. The Reverend David Goodill in his own words…

USJ to commemorate centenary of the First Plenary Council for China

The Faculty of Religious Studies and Philosophy of the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) and the Xavier Centre for Memory and Identity will commemorate, next summer, the 100th anniversary of the First Council for China with the organization of a four-day long international conference. The event will debate the relevance and significance of the Shanghai Plenary Council.