BITE-SIZE THEOLOGY (167) On what is human dignity based?

Our faith not only affirms but elevates human dignity because it adds a more important and supernatural reason: “The dignity of the human person is rooted in his or her creation in the image and likeness of God” (CCCC 358). It is this fact that explains why we have the capacity of self-determination, why we are endowed with freedom. The same point of the CCCC continues:  “Endowed with a spiritual and immortal soul, intelligence and free will, the human person is ordered to God and called in soul and in body to eternal beatitude.”

Ways of purification, perfection, and spiritual combat

Fasting and penance are ways of purification, perfection, and spiritual combat. Jesus, when He let himself be led by the Spirit into the desert to face the temptation of the devil, shows us – gives us – one of the spiritual weapons He used to fight the devil: fasting. Already in the fourth century, St Peter Chrysologus wrote: “Fasting is the soul of prayer, mercy is the lifeblood of fasting. So, if you pray, fast; if you fast, show mercy.” 

Bishop Stephen Lee asks Catholics to pray for Hong Kong

The Bishop of Macau, Stephen Lee Bun-sang, convened a special prayer novena for the citizens of neighbouring Hong Kong and urged the local Catholics to pray for the end to the Covid-19 outbreak which is devastating the former British colony. Starting this Friday and until March 19th, a prayer released earlier by Pope Francis will be recited in all the local parishes, alongside the Prayer to Saint Roch which has been intoned in Macau churches since the early days of the pandemic.

Children and youth invited to reflect on the meaning of Lent

About fifty children and youth were invited to reflect on the meaning of Lent and how they can integrate Lenten practices in their life. The initiative brought together members of both the Lusophone Scouts Group of Macau (GELMac) and the catechesis group of Our Lady of Carmel parish. The meeting, which was held at the seaside resort of Cheoc Van, introduced the participants to the patron saints of the National Corps of Scouts, the Portuguese Catholic Scouting movement.

USJ to discuss new approach to couple’s therapy

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Education of the University of São José (USJ) will promote, on April 23rd, a public lecture on a new model of couple therapy, Congruence Couple Therapy. The talk will explore how congruence – the compatibility between husband and wife – can help treat and solve problems such as alcoholism, gambling addiction or mental health issues.