Marco Carvalho Father Urbano Fernandes, a Goan priest who exercised part of his priestly ministry in South China, died on December 23rd at his residence in Agonda, India, after a short illness. In Macau, where he lived for 16 years,…

Marco Carvalho Father Urbano Fernandes, a Goan priest who exercised part of his priestly ministry in South China, died on December 23rd at his residence in Agonda, India, after a short illness. In Macau, where he lived for 16 years,…
Since free consent depends on an act of the intellect and the will (cf CCC 1731), we can say that anything that either diminishes (1) the knowledge required or (2) the exercise of the will negatively affects the consent.
The Macau Cardinal Newman Center of Cultural and Performance Arts and the Macau Diocesan of Performance Arts and Culture Association organized, for the third year in a row, a contest where everyone had a chance to vote for the most beautiful Nativity scene set up by Macau’s Catholic schools. There was also a contest involving parish churches. Eleven educational institutions joined the competition. The contestants used different materials to recreate the narrative of the birth of Christ.
The Macau Catholic Family Advisory Council will organize in the coming months four workshops on the symbolism of flowers and the way they can be used to decorate the local churches and other Catholic temples. The first event takes place on January 29th, focusing on the Lenten period.