Rev José Mario O Mandí Once a person dies, his body starts to rot and decay (cf CCC 997). From the philosophical point of view, the soul (the substantial form of the body) gives life and unity to the body.…

Rev José Mario O Mandí Once a person dies, his body starts to rot and decay (cf CCC 997). From the philosophical point of view, the soul (the substantial form of the body) gives life and unity to the body.…
22 November 2020 – 34th Sunday in O.T. – Christ the King – Year AMatthew 25:31-46 Fernando Armellini SCJClaretian Publications, Macau The gospel passage, today, is a judgment scene, a literary genre used both in the Bible (cf. Dan 7)…
Corrado Gnerre The Christian proclamation has become too flat on social and earthly issues. This seems to me a great betrayal of the Gospel. What do you think about it?
Aurelio Porfiri When we think of the time we are living in, we need to think of how many classes of people are affected by the present pandemic. Of course, as you can imagine artists and musicians are one of…
Aurelio Porfiri In these days of mid-November, all the newspapers here in Italy talk basically about one topic: coronavirus. Now, there are many things that are connected with this pandemic, and one wonders how Christmas 2020 will be. Yes, because…
Fausto Gomez OP The terrible Covid-19 pandemic has caused and continues causing thousands upon thousands of deaths throughout the world. The deadly novel coronavirus is making us all vividly aware of the fragility of our life, and of the poignant…
Robaird O’Cearbhaill The fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, a year-long observance, has brought focus to how many relevant activities were brought about worldwide by its publication, and reminders of how we should consider the very valuable ideas…
More than a hundred people came to the distribution of free meals at Fatima Parish on Saturday, 14 November. The event was the third project of Mother’s Meal and organized to commemorate the World Day of the Poor which was…
Joaquim Magalhães de Castro We are still in the Ulithi atoll… The pilot Bernardo de Egui, mentioned in last week’s chronicle, assures us that the men of the six canoes who came to the ship Santo Domingo had long beards,…
(CNA) When 90-year-old Cardinal Christian Tumi was interrogated in captivity by armed separatists in Cameroon last week, he calmly told his captors that he had been called by God to preach only what is true.