Liturgical Mass Sheet

Liturgical Mass Sheet
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: 6th & 9TH Commandment – You Shall Not Commit Adultery; You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor’s Wife
– Corrado Gnerre Dear friends, I read a recent speech by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on sacred music with much interest. It says that this art has reached its heights in the Christian West. But then this means that civilizations…
– Rev José Mario O Mandía Saint Paul, in his letter to Timothy says that God “who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (I Timothy 2:4). For men “to come to…
– Angela Chong We have experienced a different Easter this year. Our hearts have been heavily weighed down by fear and worries over the past few months. In fact, the coronavirus outbreak seems to have been a curse cast on…
Luke 24:13-35 – Fr. Fernando Armellini SCJ Claretian Publications Macau The story of the disciples of Emmaus is one of the most beautiful pages of the Gospels. The situation of desperation of the Emmaus disciples, resembles that of the communities…
If you visit Rome, there is a very good chance that you will pass through Piazza Venezia one day or the other. Indeed I have to say that it is almost impossible to miss the chance to walk here because…
Faithful queue up for confessions outside the Cathedral in front of the Bishop’s Residence on Sunday. Confessions are also available inside the Cathedral on weekdays.
– Carlos M. Frota I – Chronicle of a proud city New York, a proud city. World business center. Meeting point for all races and cultures. Capital of diversity and pluralism. But this is the old story. New York now…
– Aurelio Porfiri Everyone, the general public and the media are asking questions in these very strange days of the Covid-19 pandemic. As you all know, Italy was strongly affected, even though at the present time, that is from mid-April…