THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: 5th Commandment – You Shall Not Kill

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: 5th Commandment – You Shall Not Kill
Liturgical Mass Sheet
– Corrado Gnerre I am an old Catholic. I attend Holy Mass daily. I notice many modernist novelties, which I cannot share because I have attended the Masses celebrated by Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo for many years in…
– Rev José Mario O Mandía We are now talking about the Holy Spirit. One of the things we will discover about Him when we open the pages of the Bible is that He is called by many names and…
– Joni Cheng The effect of the apostasy in the Catholic Church in the 16th century followed through in the 17th and 18th century. However, by roughly around 1650 to 1800, the modern era began, where people no longer lived…
CN/11/011/2020 Special Arrangements for Parish Liturgies from 22nd March through to Holy Week and Easter For the spiritual benefit of the faithful, and in cooperation with the community’s ongoing infection prevention measures, the Diocese is implementing the following, until further…
JOHN 11:1-45 – Fr. Fernando Aremellini SCJ Claretian Publications Macau The resuscitation of Lazarus is to be understood as to go beyond this material world into the world of God, to gain a new life with God. By allowing Lazarus…
– FAUSTO GOMEZ OP I. THE MYSTERY OF THE PASSION OF CHRIST Lent is the journey of penance to Holy Week, to the celebration of the great mystery of our faith. Pope Francis tells us in his Lenten Message (2020)…
– Maria Kwak* Luigi Brugnaro, Mayor of Venice since 2015, consecrated Venice to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the Basilica of Our Lady of Health (Italian: Santa Maria della Salute) on March 13. Attired with his tricolor sash representing…
– Fr Leonard Dollentas The latest figure of persons in the Philippines who have tested positive for COVID-19 has soared to 552 (as of 25 March). The country’s Department of Health or DOH has also reported that 33 patients with…