Liturgical Mass Sheet
– Corrado Gnerre I expected you to ask a question I can’t answer. I am convinced that private property is something necessary, but it seems to me that insisting on this point – from a Catholic point of view –…
– Rev José Mario O. Mandía When we are introduced to the Catechism, we are taught that it consists of four parts: creed, commandments, sacraments and prayer. But if we examine closely these four parts, we will see that they…
MATTHEW 24:37-44 – Fr Fernando Armellini SCJ Claretian Publications Macau One principle we should always keep in mind: the gospel is, by its nature, good news, the message of joy and hope. Let us recall the context in which today’s…
– Aurelio Porfiri We have observed how the life of Jesus and of the first disciples was filled with the singing of the Psalms, and indeed the Psalms formed an important part of their worship to God in the Temple…
– Anastasios One of the most influential Christian minds for the development of Christianity is Saint Paul. The feast of Saint Paul and Saint Peter are celebrated together on June 29, because they are together the pillar of our faith,…
– FAUSTO GOMEZ OP During the 1960 USA electoral campaign to choose the Democrats’ candidate for President (which John F. Kennedy eventually won), there was Adlai Stevenson, the intellectual of the group. I heard this story from him. There are…
– Tej Francis Email: (Magdala) A new hospitality project, part of the Magdala project, which uncovered the ancient first century remains of what is believed to be Mary Magdalene´s hometown, will soon open its doors this upcoming November. The…
– Tej Francis Email: Fujian, China Chinese bishop in hiding after refusal to register with Communist authorities (CNA) A Catholic bishop in China is reportedly on the run from state authorities after refusing to register with the state-sponsored Church.…