Day: April 19, 2019
O SALUTARIS HOSTIA – Music by Aurelio Porfiri
Liturgical Mass Sheet
2019 H.E. BISHOP STEPHEN LEE EASTER MESSAGE“ – The old has passed, the new has come”
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, “Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come” (2 Cor 5:17). “The old has passed away.” In the Lenten…
Carlos Frota’s New Book of Poems
Last March 28, Thursday, Carlos Frota, one of Clarim’s contributors, presented his new book of poems A culpa é das estrelas, the third published in Macau, to the Portuguese speaking community at the Rui Cunha Foundation. (Photo by Oswald Vas)
USJ MIGHT LAUNCH PIONEERING DEGREES IN NEUROSCIENCES AND EDUCATION“ – To improve the education, you have to upgrade the quality of the teachers”
Marco Carvalho More than offering new courses, the University of Saint Joseph (USJ) wants to consolidate the academic programs it already offers. The position was expounded last weekend to O Clarim by Father Peter Stilwell, on the sidelines of the…
VATICAN CITY ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY JOINS POPE FRANCIS TO CO-HOST SOUTH SUDAN RETREAT [E05a photo1] (CNA) The leaders of the newest country in the world met last week in the smallest country in the world. Vatican City hosted the leaders…
USJ OPEN DAY 2019 – Bishop Lee officiates opening ceremony
The University of Saint Joseph (USJ) held its annual Open Day at the Ilha Verde Campus from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM on April 13 to provide an opportunity for the general public, in particular, secondary school students and parents,…
GREAT FIGURES OF THE MISSIONARY WORK – Bengal and the Kingdom of the Dragon (49)
Joaquim Magalhães de Castro To the great frustration of the Jesuits, their interpreter, “who spoke Hindi, Persian and the local dialect very well,” but not the Bhutanese language, was not of much use to them. From the other side the…
Aurelio Porfiri In recent decades, issues connected with the defense of life have become hot issues. At the end of March, the World Congress for families was held in the city of Verona. It gathered people from all over the…
AMONG THE POOR – Saint Anthony of Pavoni, Dominican monk and martyr
Today’s saint of the day is Saint Anthony of Pavoni, Dominican monk and priest who was martyred for the faith. Born in Savigliano, Italy, in 1326; he died in Turin, Italy, in 1374. He is the patron saint of lost…